On this website you will find some of the work that I made
while exploring urban sites throughout Holland, Germany, Luxembourg, Belgium and France.
It mainly consists of industrial sites because those are the places that draw me the most.

I started urban exploration in 2005 and my main goal is to capture the beauty of abandoned places.
So when a site or building is demolished there is still a piece of its history recorded in my pictures.

All pictures on this website are taken by me.
I took them with a Canon 5D Mark II and III, and with my current camera: a Canon 5D mark IV.

About Urban Exploration

Urban Exploration is the quest to find products of our civilization that have been abandoned and that
are (usually) not accessible to the public. Abandoned buildings are the most common target for explorers.
Factories are popular but bunkers or other military terrains as well.
The places, or sites, are often severely affected by the ravages of time but also by vandalism.
Graffiti is found on almost every site an explorer sets foot on.

There isn’t any form of association between urban explorers whatsoever.
We do, however the same motto: “Leave nothing but footprints, take nothing but pictures”.
By this we mean that we don't steal, we only record what we see and then leave.
The only rule we break is the “No trespassing” rule. You could say that because of these rules, Urban Exploring is a victimless crime.

The golden rule of urban exploration is: Never reveal the address/location of a site.
This is out of respect for the owner and possible neighbors but most of all: out of respect for the site.
If the location is revealed it could become a target for burglars or vandals and that is we try to protect a site from.
We want it to be exactly how we found it when we leave, but also when we come back after a while.

Urban explorers are often confused with vandals or thieves by the police or owners of a site.
We regret that people with other intentions destroy these beautiful places.

Urban exploration is not a hobby without danger.
The places we enter are often so old and neglected that floors are rotten, stairs are broken and ceilings are caved in.
Asbestos is also commonly found in these places and its best not to come near this stuff.
Chemicals and loose wiring can also be a serious hazard.
Being trapped in a place due to a door that falls in its lock behind you or by falling through the floor is the most dangerous hazard of them all.
Therefor explorers often go in pairs or groups.

Keywords | Urbanexploration | Fotografie | Photography | Anno 2005 | Electrabel | Centrale Monceau | IM Power Plant | Charleroi | Nazi Klooster | Waldniel | Hostert | Sint Jozefsheim klooster | Kent | school | Prison H15 | lille | loos | ministere de la justice | france | frankrijk gevangenis | Forbidden | Menen | Hospital | Ziekehuis | Avebe | DWM | Medisch | instituut | Vergane | Sinteranlage | General Motors | Continental | Opel | Antwerpen | Koelhuis | Landbouw | Zutphen | Duisburg | gebouwen | Spreepark | Berlin | Planterwald | DSK | Places | Army | Clothing | Office | Sovjet | 90th Guards | Tank Division | Bernau Berlin | berlijn | verboden | Heeresbekleidungsam | kasteel | Miranda | chateau | Noisy | AA Bad | Hanzebad | Zwolle | Urbanexplorers | Urban | Hazard | Charette | NS | Waterloop laboratorium | Marknesse | Kraggenburg | Voorsterbos | Patrick Beukelman | PB | Norgatex | Powel | Schotte | Gelderman | Textiel | Textile | Eilermark | NTS | Boumwoll | Spinnerei | Gronau | Nordhorn | Rusthoven | Fortmond | Damast | Suikerunie | Groningen Minouche | Aalst | Belgié | BE | Nederland | Holland | Netherlands | NL | Duitsland | DE | Veendam | Kazerne | Landmacht | EDE | Defensie | Simon Stevinkazerne | Royal Air Force Wegberg | 2008 | Dusseldorf | Mortuarium | Peltzer La Tourelle | Schaepman coatings | Overijssel | RBG | Gummi | Paguag | DDR | GDR | Tichelwerk Rusthoven | Appingedam | 2014 |Sanatorium Dolhain | Alla itallia | Badhuis | Spa | Bains | Stoumont | Sanatorium Borgoumont | Du Basil | 2006 | Sauna | Jona | Jee | kasteel | Hogemeyer | Traitex |Kersbeek-Miskom | Flemalle | Eglise St-Jean-Baptiste | Blue Christ Church Gompel | Casino | Mol | Chateau | Zakspeed | Villa | Emanuelle | Arcole | Cars | Smilde | Belgium | Wasmes | Chateau Caesar | Andenelle | Ratingen | Prison H19 | Justizvollzugsanstalt | Ulmer Höh | Dusseldorf | de Ulm | 654.02 - 8ES | Orient Express | NMBS 220.902 Mat' 57 | Hondenkop | leuven | Abandoned Tank | 7537163 | M47 Patton | Panzer | Gouverneurstuin | Jeugdverkeerspark | Villa Ellen | Belgium | Elen | Villa Bethanie | Handelsbeurs | Beursgebouw | Schippersbeurs | Onze Lieve Vrouw Gasthuis | Ziekenhuis | Mechelen | Benedict School | 2014 Pritzer Fac | Institut Montéfiore | Terre Rouge | Luxembourg | Old Cars | Maison the Dentist | Val Saint Lambert | Kristal | Luik | Atelier Decor | Train Depot | Bratislava | Slovakia | Monastery G | Klooster | Gerkenberg | Bree | Villa Doctor | Green School Wilhelmsthal Papierfabrik | Radevormwald | Paper | Factory | The Holy Nurse | Agnus Dei | Deutsche Tonwarenfabrik | Pensionnat St. Antoine | Gensterbloem | Villa Woodstock | Vanneste | Huize | Highlife | X-Press | Catherine Press | Brugge | Ford Fairlane | Tegelfabriek Emmanuel Rottiers | Kleve | Melkerij Sint-Jan | Kasteeldomein Nottebohm | Brecht | Rainbow Church | Sacraments Kerk | Hazerswoude-Rijndijk | Tilburg | Carsid Steel Production | Forges de la Providence | Willebroek | Lost Cars | Lost Coffins | B.S.M. Furniture | Hell Brewery | Freyberg Brauerei | Halle | Wolfenstein | Centre Hospitalier de Sainte-Ode | B-Cargo Noord | Meisterbräu | Baumwollspinnerei Gronau | Papier Maché | Papierfabriek Louis De Naeyer | Antarctica Expedition 1966 | Lost in the woods | KTA | Le Petit Seminaire et | Koninklijk Technisch Atheneum | Wetteren | Hungary | 2016 | Annaburg Porzellan | Soviet Army Graveyard | Victoria | Textiel | factory | Verviers | Filature LCS | Nieuw Werklust | Kleiwarenfabriek | Garage APK | Elektriciteitscentrale | Ruien | Power Plant XL | Lost Rovers | Traffic Park | Expeditie Ecodrome | Deutsche Reichsbahn | Vinkrath | Maison of the Bride | Zeche Hugo lockers | Gelsenkirchen | Prison Blockland | Jugendstrafanstalt Blockland | Bremen | C.I.A. Vehicle graveyard | Chaudronneries Pierre Brouhon | Eeklo | Den Aoven Dok | Stedelijk | Zwembad | Mechelen | Pontiac Firebird | Pete One| Vlaanderen | Coöperatieve Aardappelmeelfabriek | Ter Apel | Strokartonfabriek De Toekomst | Scheemda | Villa Wallfahrt | Usine S | Rhein Emscher Armaturenfabrik | Villa Heil | Traction Voroux | Kazerne De Cubber | Huize 3D | Bekaert | Steel wire Manufacturer | Hemiksem | Hermes Paper Factory | Graffiti Factory | Wünsdorf Das Haus der Offiziere | Borghorst | mercedes Barn 280se | Superciment Delwart | Die Ludolfs | Rehabilitation | Krankenhaus | Arnold Kock Textil | Belgian | NATO | Site | Food industry | Bloodworks | Margarine Union Clever stolz | Unilever | Lost Trains | Schaufelradbagger | Bagger 258 | Overlook-Hotel | Harzburger Hof | Hotel Royal | Lokeren | Manoir aux portraits | Eglise des Alouettes Church of the Larks | The Bergwerk | Dommitzsch | Zeche M | Hollogne-aux-Pierres | Heinz | Usine TA | Coal Mine | Stabilimento per la produzione di alluminio | SIDA | Marco | Italy | Italië | Consonno Ghost City | Church of decay | Eglise Saint-Pierre | Verkeerspark Assen | Institute pathological anatomy | Chateau Lumiere | Lavoir Triage | Prison 1555 | Dadipark Dadizele | Centrale Thermique | Brussel | Power Plant X | Opgrimbie | Pensionaat Maria Mediatrix | Borne | Former castel brewery | Cliffhanger Church | The Glass Company | Camp Benelux | Cooling Towers | Beelitz Heilstätten | Textilbetrieb Louis H. Schaarschmidt | The House of God | Pottery Factory | Battlefield | Cafe Ons Moe | Masters of Steel | Chateau Des Bustes | Hospital Plaza Chapel | VEB Kammgarnspinnerei Meerane | De Steur Kampen | Ferme de Maraîchage | Chapelle des Mineurs | Waterworks | Dongecentrale Geertruidenberg | Usine Barbelé | Cokerie d'Ougrée | Villa Wispelaere | Black Cokes | Homberg | Forges de la Providence | Schachtanlage Polsum 1 | Zeche DT | HSP Hoesch Spundwand und Profil | AGZ Krankenhaus | Artiseda | Maison of the piano's | Maison Dennis | Valkenburg | Leraarsgroeve | Kulturhaus am Kristallsee | Pörz Brauerei | Douglas C-47 | Pi Noord-Holland Noord Locatie Schutterswei | Alkmaar | Petrova Gora Monument | Sawmill Esterer | Carbon Factory | non-ferrous metal press factory | Decay Prison | Pi Jeugdgevangenis Zutphen | Slotklooster Der Zusters Theresianen | Carrieres Quenast | Windekind | School is out forever | Salve Mater | Bierbeek | Holy Cross Hospital | The ROA Factory | Graffiti artist ROA | Malmar | Mold House | Radio Broadcasting Station | The Flintstone House | Siège Simon | Masters of Sheet Metal | Krankenhaus Bad Königshofen | Tuchfabrik Wittstock | Ground Station | Telecommunications | Belgacom | Hospital Btok | Steam Power | MOSS Hotel | Butget Hotel | Kurpark Hotel | Diesel Farm | Lycée V | Lycée Royal | IVR | Alvat barrel cleaner | Bowling 300 | Niederstriegis | Labo G | Agrarisch Laboratorium | Chateau de la Foret | Chateau Moulbaix | Zekiwa | S.A. des Ardoisières Saint Marton | Slate Quarry | Martelange | Papierfabriek Catala |Mission to Mars | Groundcontrol | Cockerill Sambre Site de Rehabilitation | Train Repair | Sociéte Anonyme des Agasins Á Grains d Anvers | Usine Mosaref | Blue Tower | Berghuizer Papierfabriek (BPF) Power Plant | Château Lowenherz | Kasteel van Terbiest | Power Plant BBC Brown Boveri & Cie. | Villa Mistral | Niederberg Schacht | Patisserie RL | The Union | Overhead Crane Warehouse | Koepelgevangenis Haarlem / Dome Prison | Zeche N4 | Palazzo del Lavoro | Villa Mint | Manicomio Di P | Preventorio di Bramaiano | Fabbrica di cemento Unical | Palazzo di L | dei Conti M | Ospedale di R | Blue Chapel Italy | Animal Hotel Restaurant | Ceramic Factory B | Felderbach Klinik GmbH | Pizza Palace | Maasglas Tiel | AGC Glass Europe | Worsted Spinning mill | Collegio Di Musica Saint Evelise | Collège Ulf Olsson | University for Physiotherapy | Loges Schule | Bad Harzburg | Städtischen Schlachthofs Burg | Steenfabriek Smeijers & Voortman te Rijssen | Schaeffer Push-button connections | Dokter Tinus | Kalkar | Belgo Carpet Wevelgem | Filature impressionant | The Yogurt Factory | Friesland Foods | Chernobyl Exclusion Zone | Abandoned school in Mashevo | ЧЗО, школа в Машево | Ukrainian | SSR | Soviet Union | Ukraine | Tjernobyl | Nuclear power plant Unit 5 and 6 and Cooling Tower | Атомная электростанция Блок 5 и 6 | Hospital and Morgue | Чернобыльская больница и морг | Mansion of the Law | Politička škola SKJ Croatia / Jugoslavije | Animal research center | Chernobyl Golden Key kindergarten | Детский сад Золотой ключик | Puppet factory | Hydro Powerplant | Centrale Idroelettrica | Fiat Factory | Delft Hydraulics Laboratory Delta Flume de Voorst | Former Katjes Candy Factory | Piscine Solvay Charleroi | Herborner Bärenbräu Pils | MIO Ice Cream | Kraftwerk Und Papierfabrik H | CCCP Flight School | Altes Lager | Sowjetische Garnison | Metal Presswork Höllmacke | Steel Wire Rod Metal | Megawatt power plant | Colorful Ceramic | Cast Iron Factory | Mansion of the Mayor | Energiecentrale Centrale Langerlo | Drahtseilwerke Adolf vom Braucke | Peppermint Power Plant | Mineurs Wendel | Baumwollbleicherei Holweide | Acid Factory | Fabbrica tessile curvo | Lübecker Maschinenbau Gesellschaft (LMG) Schaufelradbagger 1125 | Sanatorio vista delle montagne | Tropical swimming pool | JECO Truck parts | Sanatorio divo carolo dicatum | Fertilizer Factory | Grain Factory | The Green Textile Factory | The Dentist | Germania Brauerei | Kraftwerk Vockerode | Radio and television transmitter building | Court House / Tribunal de la paix | Chemicalfactory Factory | Zeche Ewald | Schachtanlage Polsum II | Stoomcentrale | FVC Textile Factory Moeskroen | Abandoned Steel Factory | Gigawatt Power Plant | CNG tank manufacturer | Filmfabrik | Tobacco | Concrete Tile Factory | Google Church | Café Konditorei | Centrale de Rateau Schneider | Swimming Pool / Synagogue | Slachthuis De Lokery | Kraftwerk Union | Fine China Porcelain | Mine des Grimpeurs | Puit de Ramoneurs | Poland | EC-1 Power plant | City Pool | Cockerill Sambre Rolling Mill Site de Chertal | Hot Rolling Mill | Chateau Royal | Small blast furnace | Blue Power Plant | Bergwerk 1920 | Zeche L | Blue meth church | Důl Měděnec | Floor Covering Factory | The green ballroom | Česká republika | Mos Factory | Zeche AV | Bergwerk Abies nordmanniana | Das Orange Ballhaus | Wood Factory | Hotel Immergrün | Black gold district | Strawberry School | Kulturhaus Tanzender Flamingo | Aegidium theater | Sanatorium 1900 | Power Metal | 70's Bowling | Das gelbe kulturhaus | Black Steam | Bergwerk Glück auf | Balroom flower wheel | Opel Power | Ballsaal Bollerofen | Crystal Clear | The Glassware Company | Feuerwehrautos | Schimmelweldt | Ballsaal Deutsche Demokratische Republik | Poslední odpočinek | Kelenföld Power Station | Alienworks | Château Wendel and the Bureau Central | Ballsaal Porzellan | Adria Palace | VEB Chemiewerk Coswig | Duffel Hospital | Altes Wasserwerk | Farm Tropical | Castello Nuovo di Rovasenda | The Motorcycle Barn | Take Me To Church | VEB Mühlenwerke | Schimmelkirche | Hotel Fürstenhof | Bergwerk Prosper-Haniel | Telefunken Kurzwellenrundfunk | Muhlenwerke 1916 | Zeche Westerholt | Movie Maker | Face Pottery | Historický Důl | Česká republika | Small Metal Foundry | Cold War Bunker | Duke Francorchamps | EJA International | Metallwerkstatt Waldrich Coburg | Zeche Heinrich Robert | Zeche 1958 | Breaking bad glass company | Elektriciteitscentrale Gelderland | Muskator | Zeche Farmer | VEB Plaste / Plastic Factory | H3O+ Factory | Power Plant Petawatt | VEB Textil | Zeche Ibbenbüren | Zeche 1159 | Kunsthaus Herr Gevatter | Továrna Měděnec | Steag-Kraftwerk Lünen | Zeche Polsum | Concrete production plant | Sticky syrup factory | Oculustower | Italcementi | Polish Horror Clinic | Niemiecki Elektrociepłownia | Military Heat | Fabryka cegieł | SNCB Liège Kinkempois | Alte Zuckerfabrik | Historická Textilní Továrna | DDR Textil | Elektrociepłownia Z | Młyn | HF6 Power | Bergwerk Ibbenbüren | ESW Röhrenwerke | Antico Zuccherificio | Traction Sud Junkyard | Chemical Dead Factory | Gail Ceramics | fabryka czyszczenia kamieni | Bergwerk Blumenthal/Haard Schächte 1/2 | 110KV Umspannwerk | Fördermaschine DDR | Zivilverteidigung Schutzräume | rustycars | Rusty Cars | Bain de luxe | Cimetière de Tracteurs | Decay Fördermaschine | Zeche 413 | Power Plant X | Vela di Calatrava | Paradiso sul Mare | The Pumping Station | Steelworks of the Maas | Centrale idroelettrica | Chiesa San Bernardino | Mulino | Decayed Power Plant | Blast furnace | Decay Railway Workshops | Chemical Industry | Miniera Torgola | Auditorium | Usines de Saint-Ouen | Abandoned Church | Krankenhaus der DDR | Malá Elektrárna | Ballsaal Leuchtturm | Chemistry Lab | Lockheed SP-2H Neptune | Cars in the Woods | The Old Paper Mill | Brasserie Biere | Portugal | Antigua Central eléctrica del Esva | Spain | School of Pathology | Iron Prison | Chapelle des Pelotes | La Sainte Poterie | Teatro Italiano | Lanerossi | La Morgue Prélude | The eastern Sugar plant | Kraftwerk Boxberg | HF4 | Centrale Thermique EDF | Black Turbines | Steelrings | Notre Dame | Monastery Paschalis | Teatro Luis | Chiesa del Sole | Swastika Church | Miniera di Buca | Heilig Hart Monastery | Energeia Electrabel |